Thursday, December 29, 2011
Large Relationships Article
Monday, December 26, 2011
Our Little Boy, oil on panel, 11"x14"
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Climbing the Sunlight, oil on linen, 11"x14"

Climbing the Sunlight
oil on linen, 11"x14"
$890 framed -SOLD
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Pintail in Flight Study, oil on cradled panel, 6"x6"
Monday, December 19, 2011
Plein Air Magazine-links to digital issue
Pages 48-49
Pages 50-51
Pages 52-53-Demo
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Plein Air Magazine Article
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Autumn Afternoon, oil on panel, 11"x14"
While out for a walk with my family during a late afternoon this last autumn, I was intrigued by the way the sunlight was shining on the distant mountains. I returned the next day and did a quick field study while my wife and children played in the tall grass. That field study, along with several others were used to create this painting.
Autumn Afternoon
oil on panel, 11"x14"
$890.00. Contact Jason Tako at to inquire.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
One Leg Up, oil on panel, 6"x8"

One Leg Up
oil on panel, 6"x8"
$290 framed -SOLD
Monday, November 7, 2011
2012 Calendar

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Art as an Investment
Trevor also points out one of the great benefits of investing in art: “One major advantage that an art collection has over other collectable items like stamps and coins is that you can admire your investment every day ...Because it can hang on the wall of your home or office where it is able to be seen by not only you, but by family and friends.”
Daniel Gross in his article Painting for Profit-Is Art a Wise Investment points out: “A J.M.W. Turner view of Venice sold at auction at Christie's in London on May 29, 1897, for $35,000 and then sold at Christie's in New York [April 2006] for $35.8 million—which yields about a 6 percent annual return for 109 years. Which is pretty darn good.” In the mid-2000’s Mei Moses Jiangping Mei created a fine art index which tracked the performance of fine art. In 2006 they found that over the last 50 years the S&P 500 returned 10.9 percent annually while fine art returned 10.5 percent annually. “And in the five years between 2001 and 2005, art trounced stocks.”
While this doesn’t mean you should sell all your portfolio and head down to the local gallery, it does show that original fine art can be a sound investment. I believe a person should invest in a painting if that painting speaks to them regardless of any profit potential. In this day and age beauty is such an important yet neglected part of the human experience. Art is both a refuge as well as a statement on the importance of beauty. But it is nice to know that the painting that is bringing you so much joy may also be increasing in monetary value as it hangs on your wall.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Mandarin Drake, oil on panel, 6"x8"

Mandarin Drake
oil on panel, 6"x8"
$290 framed. Contact Jason at to inquire.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Barrows Goldeneye, oil on panel, 6"x8"

Barrows Goldeneye
oil on panel, 6"x8"
$290 framed -SOLD
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Autumn Shadows, oil on panel, 6"x8"

Autumn Shadows
Oil on panel, 6"x8"
$290.00. Contact Art & Soul Gallery to purchase 717-761-1270
Monday, October 31, 2011
Waterfowl Festival!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Settling Down, oil on linen, 18"x24"

Settling Downoil on linen, 18"x24"
Monday, October 24, 2011
Where the Buffalo Roam, oil on linen, 24"x30"

Where the Buffalo Roam
Oil on linen, 24"x36"
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Paint the Parks Award

Gettysburg Winter
oil on panel, 8"x10"
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
CFAI Award
Thursday, September 29, 2011
York County Afternoon, oil on linen panel, 11"x14"

York County Afternoon
oil on linen panel, 11"x14"
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Western Farm, oil on linen, 18"x24"
Western Farm, oil on linen, 18"x24"
$2,190.00, includes a dark gold frame.
Contact Jason at to inquire.
Monday, September 19, 2011
SAA Award for Courtship
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
That Dull Look
Some of you, both artists and collectors, may notice that after a short period of time your oil painting may get a flat, dull or even blotchy look. This usually happens during the drying process, which for oil paintings may take years to totally complete. The surface of an oil painting can vary in the amount of actual oil it contains. The areas with less oil tend to dry more flat. This is why it’s always good advice to paint thick over thin, or fat over lean; meaning the top layer of paint should contain more oil than the lower layers, otherwise the lower layers will suck the oil out of the upper layers causing a dull look. Being an artist I can say this principle is not always easy to maintain, especially when painting en plein air.
Two methods can be used to bring the color, depth and gloss back to an oil painting. The first is called oiling out. This is basically using a medium or half linseed or walnut oil, and half mineral spirits, and gently brushing it on the surface of the painting. I recommend using Gamblin’s Galkyd medium in place of linseed oil as it dries within a day and won’t yellow. You must make sure the surface is completely dry to the touch otherwise the solvent will cause the wet layers of painting to run all over the surface. The second is to use varnish. Retouch varnish, along with oiling out can be used during the intermediate stages of working on a painting to bring back the dull spots. Finishing varnish or non-retouch varnish is a final and usually permanent varnish that cannot be painted over or removed. And you must wait at least 6 months to a year before applying this type of varnish. If I have a painting long enough I like to both give it a final coat of oil and then varnish, though only one or the other will suffice.
If you have purchased an oil painting at a plein air event you may have noticed that is doesn’t look as colorful or glossy as when you first brought it home. This is most likely because the painting was still wet during the event, and the artist couldn’t add any oil or varnish to it due its wetness. If it has been less than 6 months and you can’t wait to restore those colors the best thing to do is purchase some retouch varnish along with a soft bristle brush from your local art supply store (Michaels and AC Moore will have these items) and in a well-ventilated area gently brush a light coat of varnish on the painting. If it has been more than 6 months you can use regular varnish. You can do both as long as you wait at least 6 months for the final varnish. If the paint is really thick you may want to wait a year. For artists I recommend Gamblin’s Gamvar for a final varnish as this varnish can be removed in case you ever need to alter something on the painting.
Some of you, both artists and collectors, may notice that after a short period of time your oil painting may get a flat, dull or even blotchy look. This usually happens during the drying process, which for oil paintings may take years to totally complete. The surface of an oil painting can vary in the amount of actual oil it contains. The areas with less oil tend to dry into a more flat looking surface. This is why it is always good advice to paint thick over thin, or fat over lean; meaning the top layer of paint should contain more oil than the lower layers, otherwise the lower layers will suck the oil out of the upper layers causing a dull look. Being an artist I can say this principle is not always easy to maintain, especially when painting en plein air.
Two methods can be used to being the color, depth and gloss back to an oil painting. The first is called oiling out. This is basically using a medium or half linseed or walnut oil, and half mineral spirits, and gently brushing it on the surface of the painting. You must make sure the surface is completely dry to the touch
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Misty River in Yellowstone, oil on linen panel, 12"x16"

Misty River in Yellowstone, oil on linen panel, 12"x16"
$990.00. Contact Jason at to inquire about this piece.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Teal in Morning Mist, oil on linen, 18"x24"

Teal in Morning Mist, oil on linen, 18"x24" $2,190.00
Contact Galleries West to purchase 307-733-4525
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Morning Light-Crow Brothers II, oil on linen panel, 14"x11

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Morning Egret, oil on linen panel, 9"x12"

Morning Egret, oil on linen panel, 9"x12"
Monday, July 25, 2011
Abandoned, oil on linen panal, 11"x14"

Abandoned, oil on linen panel, 11"x14"
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Finalist in Competition

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
In The Forest, oil on linen panel, 11"x14"

In the Forest
11"x14", Oil on linen panel
Contact Horton Hayes Fine Art to purchase 843-958-0014
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Society of Animal Artists 51st Annual Show

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Red Dress in Spring-Study, oil on panel, 8"x6"

Red Dress in Spring-study, oil on panel, 8"x6"
Monday, April 18, 2011
Picking Flowers-Study, oil on panel, 8"x6"
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Courtship, oil on linen, 18"x24"

Monday, April 11, 2011
York Daily Record Newspaper Article
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wood Duck Studio Study-2, oil on panel, 6"x8"
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Female Wood Duck Study, oil on panel, 6"x8"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Wood Ducks, oil on panel, 6"x8"

Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Slyder Farm, oil on linen, 18"x24"

The Slyder Farm, oil on linen, 18"x24"
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Early Evening, oil on linen, 15"x30"

Early Evening, oil on linen, 15"x30"
$2,290, framed -SOLD